Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I'll admit it, I'm a messy guy.
Maybe it's a result of being forced to keep a clean room when I lived in my parent's house. And when I say clean, I mean being yelled at when I left a pair of socks on the dresser overnight and my father saw them. If they knew the backlash that would result, maybe they would have been a bit easier on me.
First of all, I'm not that big a proponent of dressers and drawers for clothing. My system is a lot easier. Clean clothes go on the floor next to my desk, dirty clothes go in the clothes hamper. It might take 15 minutes to find a pair of matching socks, but I don't mind getting up a bit earlier to find them. It's almost like an Easter Egg hunt, except there's no candy inside of my socks.
Textbooks and binders usually go under the clothes...or on top, whichever comes first.
The kicker is what I've done with my bed. Or as some people refer to it, my mattress.
I've never really seen any reason why a person would need a box spring or bed frame, at least not when they're younger and don't have any back problems. So I got rid of my frame and started sleeping on the mattress laying on the floor.
When I'm done, I throw the sheets and comforter over in the far corner of my room and prop the mattress up against the wall, opening up the rest of the floor to walking.
It works pretty well for me and other people that I know. Matt Lauer from the Today Show, however, isn't an advocate of such a lifestyle. In fact, the Today Show ran a segment on how people are living more and more cluttered lives because of the fast pace of modern living.
Now, I'm not going to lie and say that my life is fast paced. Other than a couple of lingering assignments that I have to deal with on a weekly basis, most of my time is spent listening to music, skateboarding, or just loafing around my apartment.
Mostly my room is a mess because I'm lazy, and don't feel like lifting a finger for something that has no impact on other people except for those that decide they need to use my bathroom instead of the one in the hallway. In fact, I find that it's easier for me to look for things that I've lost because I know that they're either going to be on top of my clothes or the bottom.
Maybe one day I'll be able to live in a spotless apartment with my clothes arranged by type and on hangers in the closet or impeccably folded in their respective drawers.
But until then, dust is easily brushed off a shirt to make it wearable. Heck, vintage shirts are in this season, aren't they?

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